The English language has many layers of subtlety, nuances and cultural references, which come in the form of slang words and idioms. If you do understand the meanings and, better yet, you know how to use the idioms yourself, you’ll impress the person you’re speaking with and sound like a native. 1.a storm is brewing Meaning: There will be trouble …
Top 5 English Grammar Tips
1. Memorize 3 Fundamental Capitalization Rules Proper capitalization helps your writing look professional, tidy and correct. -The first word in a sentence. You should always capitalize the first word in a sentence regardless of what type of word it is. -Proper nouns (names). These include the names of people, locations, places, days and months, companies, etc. For example: Matthew, Helen, …
5 Ways To Ask for Directions In English
These expressions are a great way to start a conversation and get the help you need when you are lost! 1. Excuse me This phrase is used frequently. You hear it all the time on the street or in a shop. People say “Excuse me” before asking another person to do something (like showing you the way to the theater!). …
5 Phrases To Express Your Emotions
Here are some great expressions you can use when describing emotions. 1. Flying high Meaning: very happy. She’s flying high after the successful product launch. 2. Pumped up Meaning: very excited about something. He’s pumped up for his first half-marathon race this weekend. 3. Down in the dumps Meaning: to feel unhappy or without hope. I always feel down in …